
Lordship Lane Primary School

A Love of Learning and the Perseverance to Succeed

Closed Notice - please stay well

Dear parents/carers,


Thank you for your patience and understanding at this very tricky time. As you are aware, we are closing for the foreseeable future to reduce the transmission  of coronavirus.

We are all very sad to be saying goodbye for now and hope that these measures will enable us to normalise as soon as possible.  


We have set remote and home learning, however we do understand that during this transition period the children may be anxious, worried and need to have some rest and relaxation at home with you. 


I would like to remind you of the government guidance that “Parents should also do everything they can to ensure children are not mixing socially in a way which can continue to spread the virus. They should observe the same social distancing principles as adults.” I fully understand that this is very hard to adhere to during the period of school closure, but you do need to ensure you and your children avoid extensive or close contact with their friends during the time schools are closed.  This is to ensure we can all get back to normal as soon as possible.




Thank you for all your kind words and thoughts to the staff at this time, it really does keep spirits up!


Take care of each other and stay well!


Mrs Randles
