
Lordship Lane Primary School

A Love of Learning and the Perseverance to Succeed

School Uniform

School Uniform

At Lordship Lane, we believe it is important for children to attend school in smart school uniform. Our school uniform consists of:


  • a navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo.
  • a white polo shirt (with or without the school logo)
  • Grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • Grey, black, navy or white tights or socks
  • Black shoes (not trainers)


Please note: jeans, cords, fashion trousers, leggings and jogging bottoms are not part of school uniform. Please ensure children look smart for school with long hair tied away from the face.  If children have their ears pierced, they should only wear plain stud earrings - this is for health and safety reasons.  No other jewellery should be worn, apart from a watch if required.  



PE Kit

Children can come to school in their PE kit on days when they are taking part in PE.   Our PE kit consists of:


  • A white T-shirt
  • A hoodie or sweatshirt in cold weather (plain, without labels or slogans)
  • Black or navy blue shorts or jogging bottoms
  • Plimsolls or trainers


Please make sure you mark all items of clothing with your child’s name so that any lost items can be returned.


Ordering School Uniform

All of our school uniform is available to purchase through our online supplier. Click here to buy our school uniform.
