
Lordship Lane Primary School

A Love of Learning and the Perseverance to Succeed

Easter Egg Decorating Competition

As Easter is fast approaching, we are having a special competition. Just for fun, we would like you to decorate an egg in any style that you like!


You can use whatever materials you like. You might choose to use paint or pens or cut out paper shapes or fabric or anything else you can think of! There are a few pictures below of ideas I found on google to help you find some inspiration - there are loads more online if you want to see even more ideas. You might create an egg character from your favourite book or movie, you might make an egg scene or just create a beautiful pattern.


Things to remember:

  • Before you decorate your egg shell, either ask an adult to hard boil it or carefully empty the contents before you decorate it, otherwise it could get very messy and it's important not to waste food.
  • If you don't have an egg shell - don't worry! You could use a potato (our World Book Day Potatoes were fantastic!), scrunched up paper or anything else that you can make roughly egg-shaped.


When you have created your egg design, you can enter the competition by taking a photo of it and following these instructions:

  1. Send the photo by email to
  2. Include your name and your class in the email too.
  3. Put "Easter Egg" in the subject of the email so we can find you entry easily.


You have the whole Easter period to get decorating: the deadline for submitting your entry is SUNDAY 19TH APRIL 2020. Good luck and have fun!
