Hello everyone,
This is just a short message to say that I am thinking of you all and so looking forward to seeing you again soon.
It has been fantastic to hear how you are getting on from members of staff who have been very busy making phone calls and leaving messages to let you all know that we are thinking of you. Many thanks for your own goodwill messages checking that we are all ok too.
I know that lots of you are doing your best to complete homework activities. Well done! It is also very important that you take time to do some fun activities as this is a very stressful time for all. Ms. Golding, Ms. McTaggart and Ms. Jamal are all planning some fun activities for you to do over half term.
In the meantime please do have a look at some fantastic ideas from Groundswell Arts who have put together a Social Distancing Family Festival which includes a Big Chalk tonight! All information on this can be found at www.groundswellarts.com/families.
Take care everyone.
All good wishes from Mrs Tagliaferri.